
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Wal-Mart, Trusting God, & Bill Snyder

I'm not a patient person.  I'm the girl who flips the lever on the toaster to make it come up instead of waiting for the toast to pop up on its own.  I rarely EVER leave water in a tea pot long enough to actually hear the pot whistle.  So, guess how much I enjoy waiting in line at Wal-Mart?!?  You got it.  I'd rather make a trip to the dentist than stand in line at Wally World.  It seems like everyone is in line at the same time as me, and somehow they only have half the cash registers open whenever I'm there.  Surely this has happened to you.  Anyway, I recently had the stress joy of waiting in line once again at Wal-Mart.  I knew it was getting bad when I caught myself doing the "impatient bounce."  Yep, I kind of bounce up and down on my toes when it's really hard to wait.  With at least 5 people still ahead of me in line, the bouncing became more frequent.  So, I closed my eyes and prayed.  The bouncing stopped, I was calm, and was in good spirits by the time I finally reached the front of the line.  Crisis averted, thanks to a quick chat with God!  You better believe I'll be praying in line more often!

When I selected my second Bible verse to study in depth, I had no idea just how much I would need the verse in my life last week.  I hit my stress limit by the end of the day Tuesday.  I prayed and asked God to help me with one particular situation.  The next day I realized He answered my prayer.  But, instead of embracing His answer Tuesday evening, I pushed it to the side without really thinking.  Thankfully God placed some angels in my life to help me with the situation.  This experience taught me to TRUST the Lord and stop trying to ignore His voice.  I'm glad He didn't give up on me, despite my wavering trust.  God really will answer your prayers.  Just simmer down and listen to what He tells you!  Oh, don't worry about Copyright on this one.  I uploaded the hearts pic from Microsoft Office and added the words in Pixlr Express.  Feel free to swipe it and use it in your own life!

This week's verse is one I found it on Pinterest a couple months ago, but repinned it without really thinking about its meaning.  Yep, if it's sparkly or pretty, I'm going to read it.  That doesn't mean I read it carefully!  However, I went back and looked it up in my Bible.  When I read the notes in the margin for this verse, here's what they said:
How can we control the thoughts that come uninvited into our minds?  Thoughts of temptation or discouragement can come unannounced.  But we can discipline ourselves, making conscious choices to contemplate good things.  Reading uplifting Bible verses and meditating on them, making a mental checklist of God's attributes, counting our blessings--these types of things can get our thoughts on the right track.  
Yep, this verse is perfect for me!  It took me awhile to track down the original person who created the picture for this verse, but I finally found it.  Head to the Family Bees blog to download a printable PDF of this verse!

Last weekend I had K-Love playing on my car radio as I was driving home from school.  This amazing song came on, and the words spoke to me because they totally describe my life!  I pulled out my phone and frantically opened my Shazam app so I could learn the name of the song.  I narrowly missed side swiping a car, but it was worth it because I got Shazam opened in time.  Turns out the song is called "When Mercy Found Me" by the Rhett Walker band.  Check it out!

The last time readers tuned in, my beloved Wildcats were getting ready to face Oregon in the Fiesta Bowl.  Although the outcome of the game wasn't favorable for anyone who bleeds purple, I'm still a proud Wildcat!  When I was cruising the K-State Sports website looking for next year's schedule, I came across this gem.  It's an article about my favorite Wildcat, Bill Snyder.  I love how Bill credits his infamous 16 Goals to lessons his mother taught him growing up.  What an inspiring story that everyone should read.  And, in case you are wondering, I found next year's football schedule.  Good news, sports fans.  Only 230 days until kickoff on August 31st!  Yes, there's even an app for THAT!  iPhone enthusiasts, check out DaysUntil.  It's a freebie!  I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Bill.  I took the photo at Fan Appreciation Day, so feel free to swipe it.  I'm always willing to share with fellow Wildcats!

Have a blessed week!  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

God, Goals, & the Cats

Well folks, after not being able to find time a year-long hiatus from blogging, I'm back!!!  Boy howdy, my life has changed for the better since my last post in December of 2011!  Most notably, I started walking with the Lord.  It's a pretty cool story I'll share sometime, but in a nutshell, I wouldn't be where I am today without the wisdom, guidance, love, and support of a few dear friends.  They know who they are.  I'll stop before I get all emotional...

Why start blogging again?  How does God factor into my blogging?  Excellent questions you may be asking yourself.  Or if not, I asked them for you.  Humor me.  When I blogged previously, people told me they enjoyed reading my random thoughts posts.  I LOVE telling a good story, and love sharing it in writing even more! Well, I've recently discovered that my ability to write is a gift from God.  Stop rolling your eyes at the sound of my arrogance.  I realize we're talking about a little blog here, and not a top-selling book on Amazon.  But, the fact that I seem to have somewhat captured even the slightest attention through my writing has only happened by the grace of God.  Isn't He amazing?!?  So, as long as I feel like I'm using this blog to serve others, I'm going to keep on writing.  Lucky you!

Fast forward to the start of a new year.  With any new beginning comes the dreaded resolutions people make, only to break them not long after they've been set.  Well, this girl  has set a few goals that I'm happy to keep.  The biggest goal is to choose one Bible verse per week to commit to memory, pray about, and apply to my daily life.  Each week I'll add a new verse.  But, the best part is that I'm not going to just "drop" the verse once the week is over.  Instead, I'm going to keep applying more verses.  So, by the 6th week of the year, I'll be applying 6 different Bible verses to my life.  It's definitely a lofty goal, but one that will help me grow.  In church every week, Pastor Jim encourages us to be "not just hearers of the word, but doers of the word."  I love that notion.  I even came across it in the Bible (James 1:22).  Anyway, hearing Pastor Jim say that phrase every week also inspired this goal.  I must confess it's not an original Jenn idea.  I modified it from a goal set by a very wise friend who I can only describe as the best thing since hairspray in a can (borrowed that phrase from "The Help").  Once again I's the verse I chose to start my year off with:

This verse pretty much makes the claim for why I would spend my year really digging into the Bible.  It seems like everytime I open this wonderful book, I find the most incredible nuggets of wisdom tucked inside each page.  I spent 32 years of my life lost without God, but now that He's in my life, everything has changed.  I still have lots to learn, but will definitely use the Bible to direct my path. It's also part of a song that I could listen to over and over again.  Here's a video of Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith singing "Thy Word."

By the way, I know what some of you are thinking.  Where'd she get that picture of the Bible with the verse?!?  I didn't hijack this from Google images.  I MADE IT!!  I got the image of a Bible from Microsoft Clip Art, uploaded it to Pixlr Express, and added the text.  I heart Pixlr Express because it's easy to navigate, has fun fonts, and is free.  If you've never heard of it, check it out here.  I'm warning you, jazzing up your photos is addicting!

I hope to update my blog weekly this year.  If nothing else, I'll share the verse I'm working on for the week, and maybe a few other random ramblings fun thoughts about life!  Speaking of random thoughts, my beloved Wildcats are playing in the Fiesta Bowl tonight and I couldn't be more excited.  I'm living vicariously through all my friends who are in Arizona cheering on the Cats in person.  I'll be watching from the comfort of my own couch, and will make no apologies to my neighbors for any ruckus that comes from my apartment this evening.  I've waited over a month to yell "BILL!!!!!!!" and "ZIMMERMAN!!!!!!!!" while cheering for my team.  This morning I was reading Ephesians and happened to run across a verse that really spoke to me, especially in light of tonight's game against the ducks.  Here's Ephesians 4:29, courtesy of my YouVersion Bible app:

Talk about the Holy Spirit bringing that verse into my life at the perfect time!  Great reminder for me.  I will not say anything bad about Oregon.  I will NOT say anything bad about Oregon...Let's hope the Wildcats can bring home a W for themselves, all the members of the Wildcat Nation, and especially my favorite Wildcat, Bill Snyder!

Have a blessed day!