
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Christmas in September!!

Just when I thought my job couldn't get any better, I discovered I was wrong.  I received the best package in the mail today--23 BRAND NEW BOOKS from my first library book order.  I'm pretty sure I squealed a couple times when pulling out all the books. 

This moment was better than all my Christmas mornings combined.  23 new books for our library!!  New library books are somehow different from new books from a bookstore.  I think the pages are shinier and crisper on school library books--or at least on our new books.  I did what everyone else does when they pick up a brand new book: opened it up and smelled it!  I don't think I'll ever forget that chemical smell--the smell of a new library book.

I didn't get to browse the books long because I had a class to work with.  After that, I sat down on the floor and read 3 of the books:  Silverlicious by Victoria Kann, Scaredy Squirrel has a Birthday Party by Melanie Watt, and I Broke My Trunk (an Elephant and Piggie book) by Mo Willems.  I laughed out loud several times.  Yep, I felt like a kid in a candy store.  Throughout the day, I read more of the books.  Any time students came into the library, I LOUDLY announced, "Hey friends, we got NEW books in today!!!!"  I proceeded to point out the display of books and could only smile as I watched the excitement on students' faces.

Side bar:  You know that whole "you have to be quiet in the library" rule?  Who came up with that rule anyway?!?  Probably some grown up who needed to enjoy life a little more.  Libraries are supposed to be social environments.  How can this happen when people walk around saying "Shh!!" all day?  Our library is the antithesis of quiet.  Walk in and you'll hear students discussing books with each other, sharing book ideas with the adults in the library, working together on projects, and helping each other find books.  Add a little glitter all over the carpet and you have the happiest place in the school!

Today was one of those moments that was too exciting not to share.  I wish everyone could have the experience of opening a box of brand new library books and squealing with delight!  If not, you get the next best thing--my description of the moment in this blog.

Side bar #2: Many people will tell you that educators should have blogs for a variety of reasons.  Steve Wheeler's blog offers the best list of 7 reasons why educators should blog.  This blog wasn't started for educational purposes--I just wanted a way to share the random thoughts on my mind.  I have no audience in mind when writing this, although I know my mom reads every post (Hi Mama!!!!!).  There are 10 people who subscribe to this blog.  If nothing else, hopefully I've given people something to think about in at least one of my blog posts.

Go curl up with a good book and read!  More new books I got to read today include Hooray for Amanda and Her Alligator by Mo Willems, Ish by Peter H. Reynolds, and Those Darn Squirrels! by Adam Rubin. I have one more book order on it's way, and look forward to reading the biographies of Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Jaden Smith, and Michael Jackson.  Oh, and the book about Okapis (requested by a student).  I really do have the BEST JOB EVER!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

overheard in the library...

Sometimes there are conversations that are too priceless not to share.  Here are a few convos we've had in the library the past 2 days:

Convo #1 happened with a 4th grade boy yesterday
"Miss Stuck, can you please help me find a book?"  -student
"Sure.  What are you looking for?"  -me
"I want a tornado book."  -student
"Ok.  Those are..." -me
(interrupting) "I looked at all of those but I didn't find anything I liked."  -student
"Well, friend, those are the only weather books we have.  Can I show you my favorite?  I can't get other weather books right this second."  -me
"Why not?  You're a princess, right?!?"  -student

Convo #2 happened in my reading group this morning (with 1st and 2nd graders).  We were brainstorming ideas for a story about a place we've visited.  I was modeling a story about visiting my sister's house.  As I was making my bulleted list, here's the conversation that occurred:
"Ok, I need to tell you a secret that most kiddos at this school don't know.  I am a HUGE Justin Bieber fan!  I love his music!!"  -me
(dead silence as the kiddos tried to figure out if I was for real)
"I know most Bieber songs.  In fact, if I can't be a princess when I grow up, then I want to be a back-up singer and dancer for Justin Bieber.  I already have a sparkly microphone."  -me
"Really?!?  I love Justin Bieber!!"  -student
Then they all burst out in laughter trying to picture me singing and dancing with the Biebs.

Convo #3 happened with a 5th grade boy today (his class was in the library researching facts for a project)
"Miss Stuck, I'm done coloring my states."  - student (one of the requirements by the teacher)
"Great work.  Now which website do you want to explore?"  -me
"Well, can I have some glitter to put on my map?"  -student
"Friend, I'm pretty sure you don't need glitter in order to get full credit for your map."  -me
30 minutes later...
"Hey Miss Stuck, maybe I can get extra credit if I have glitter on my map!!"  -student
I like the way this kid thinks!

I have to do a better job recording fun conversations with kiddos because they're priceless!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I'm FINALLY updating my blog!

Every kid needs this shirt--find it at

"EVERYONE loves glitter!!"  -2nd grader
We just spent the past 2 weeks in the library making Dot Art after reading The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds.  Students used paint, markers, crayons, and GLITTER to make their art.  The kiddos and I all loved the glitter.  The custodian, however, wasn't thrilled with the stuff being EVERYWHERE.  Walk through the halls and classrooms of FRE and you'll see random specks of glitter that escaped the library on students' hands and shoes.  I think it helps jazz up the decor in the building--especially the ugly brown carpet in the library.

Not everyone shares my passion for things that sparkle.  I get it.  I see glitter for its beauty, but others hate glitter because it gets everywhere and is hard to clean up. You know what?  Dealing with glitter is a lot like dealing with people.  You can either find the beauty in them and build on their strengths, or hate them because they rub you the wrong way.  It depends on how you see the world.  So, the next time you want to brush someone aside the same way you try to clean up those pesky specks of glitter, change your attitude and find the positive aspects of that person.  You never know--that person may just change your life for the better!

Speaking of annoying people...I've decided the people who are quickest to judge others are the ones who have greatest self-esteem issues.  I don't get why people have to drag others down in order to make themselves feel better.  Bite your tongue the next time you want to pop off with a rude comment to someone else.  Is it really worth it?

Hope your week is filled with moments that shine!!  Here's my new favorite expression: